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New York City News

Students Attend the World Premiere of a New Opera about Theodor Herzl

A new week, a new opera! This time, attendees of the Upper School's HaSifriya Matziga (“The Library Presents”) series walked down to the Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center to help make history. The occasion: the world premiere of State of the Jews, which tells the story of Theodor Herzl’s activism against the backdrop of...

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Middle Schoolers Take Chesed Trips to the KJ Lunch and Learn and to Manhattan Children's Center

Middle Schoolers had a week full of chesed! Grades 5 and 6 visited the KJ Lunch and Learn, KJ’s learning program for the elderly, and chatted with the participants. It was a rewarding experience for everyone as they bridged the generational divide, chatting and getting to know each other. For...

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Kol HaKavod to Juniors and Seniors at the Annual Shakespeare Competition

Students experienced a special morning of live Shakespeare when Grades 11 and 12 participated in the Annual Shakespeare Competition. Juniors and seniors who wished to take part had chosen a monologue from any Shakespeare play, had memorized it, and, at the competition, they performed it for their peers and a panel of Ramaz faculty judges. The lighthearted competition inspired...

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Students Meet Composer Samy Moussa at the NY Philharmonic

The library’s latest cultural outing took students to the New York Philharmonic. There, a surprise awaited: Samy Moussa, the composer of the first piece on the program, Elysium (2021), was in attendance. Upper School Librarian Dr. Daniel Stein Kokin thought he spotted Moussa as he strode down the aisle, approached him to confirm his identity, and then asked if he would be willing to speak to Ramaz students during intermission. Happily, Moussa said yes! Thus...

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Fourth Graders Take a Powerful Trip to the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian

A highlight of fourth grade at Ramaz is the robust social studies curriculum! The year begins with a focus on New York State geography and history. The students have just finished their study of Indigenous Peoples of New York. The unit culminated with an exciting visit to the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian, where...

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Photos Inside: Chesed Club Takes a Private Tour of the NYPD Mounted Unit and Delivers Lunch

The Ramaz Chesed Club took a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the NYPD Mounted Unit station, learning about the unit and delivering lunch for the officers. On a private tour through the facility, the students learned about the history of the NYPD and about the horses. With Ramaz parent and NYC Planning Commissioner David Gold, they explored the stables, learned how...

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