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Ramaz is rooted in its commitment to menschlichkeit and helping those in need. Our students recognize the importance of emulating God through acts of loving-kindness. The chesed we strive to promote in our students is rooted in a sense of responsibility to serve the Jewish people and all of humanity -- leading with kindness to improve the world!

Giving a helping hand, making a positive change, and bringing happiness and warmth to others is the driving force of the Ramaz student body. HINENI is hearing the question and always being ready with the answer: Here I am, I'm ready, SEND ME.

Chesed News

Middle Schoolers Take Chesed Trips to the KJ Lunch and Learn and to Manhattan Children's Center

Middle Schoolers had a week full of chesed! Grades 5 and 6 visited the KJ Lunch and Learn, KJ’s learning program for the elderly, and chatted with the participants. It was a rewarding experience for everyone as they bridged the generational divide, chatting and getting to know each other. For...

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Upper Schoolers Celebrate Chanukah with Visitors from Yachad

Juniors and seniors gave a warm welcome to visitors from Yachad, an organization dedicated to enriching the lives of Jewish people with disabilities and their families. Yachad participants came to Ramaz to share in Chanukah festivities, and our students truly helped them have a blast. Together, everyone chatted, played dreidel and bingo, and noshed on fresh donuts fried in...

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Middle Schoolers End Chanukah on a Sweet Note and See Their Chesed's Impact on Israelis

Middle Schoolers marked the last day of Chanukah with delicious donuts and a meaningful message. Students learned about memories and how important it is to hold onto special moments and take their lessons into the future. It was an appropriate message for the last day of Chanukah, because although the holiday was at a close, the Middle Schoolers learned that they can hold onto the light and joy of Chanukah and spread it around the rest of the year. Morah Sandy showed students examples of their ability to spread joy and light...

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Photos Inside: Chesed Club Takes a Private Tour of the NYPD Mounted Unit and Delivers Lunch

The Ramaz Chesed Club took a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the NYPD Mounted Unit station, learning about the unit and delivering lunch for the officers. On a private tour through the facility, the students learned about the history of the NYPD and about the horses. With Ramaz parent and NYC Planning Commissioner David Gold, they explored the stables, learned how...

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Middle Schoolers Welcome Families From Kibbutz Kerem Shalom

Ramaz and KJ families were honored to host families from Kibbutz Kerem Shalom in their homes as a part of Project 24's Thanks4Giving initiative. Thanks4Giving brought 700 Israeli heroes from 28 kibbutzim and moshavim that were devastated by the October 7th attacks to 35 Jewish communities across the US for a week. The goal of the Mega Mission was...

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