Arts & Culture
Ramaz's arts and culture programs are widely emulated: our students express themselves through choirs, musicals and dramatic plays, instrumental ensembles, the visual arts, and more. Being HERE for the arts means encouraging students to be inspired not only by tradition, but by the world around them and especially by their own imagination and experiences. Ramaz provides an environment in which students can freely and safely express a deeper part of themselves -- surrounded by the cultural riches that only New York City can offer.
Arts News
Ramaz choir members from third through fifth grade bonded with each other, and 5,000 tri-state area choir students, at the American Young Voices concert at the Prudential Center. This incredible experience was an installment of the AYV's ongoing music education program, which organizes the largest children's choir concerts in the world. Along with the...
Ramaz choir students in third, fourth, and fifth grade had an unforgettable experience when they participated in the American Young Voices concert at the Prudential Center. The AYV, a music education organization, produces the largest children's choir concerts in the world. At this concert, Ramaz sang music of varying styles...
Upper Schoolers put on incredible performances at the Yom Moadon (clubhouse) showcase. The recording is here! Please enjoy watching these incredible students display their hard work and their impressive skill. With performances by the choir, rock and jazz bands, dances groups, and...
Fifth graders joined the fourth grade to attend an interactive orchestra concert at Carnegie Hall. The concert was part of Carnegie Hall's music education program "Link Up" and focused on the theme "The Orchestra Swings." As the title suggests, this theme dives into how swing music, an important feature in the jazz genre, can also manifest in an orchestra. The...
Kindergarten violinists performed their recital for their loved ones! Every week throughout the year, small groups of up to five children have met with Mr. Lamas, a career viola player and music educator, for 20-minute sessions using school-supplied violins. This special program provides important benefits, strengthening...
The Ghetto Film School senior elective class took an amazing trip to the new MNN (Manhattan Neighborhood Network) studio in Hudson Yards, where they spent a full day touring the facility and creating fun projects. Everyone loved getting to work with the high-quality equipment and extensive studio spaces, including TV sets, control rooms, and motion-capture...
Third Graders created art pieces to express the Biblical story of Avram and Sarai's changed names. In response to Avram successfully completing his sixth trial, Hashem rewarded him and Sarai by adding a letter from Hashem's name, "H," to each of their names, thus changing them to Avraham and Sarah. The students commemorated this crucial moment by creating their own artistic depictions of Avraham and Sarah's new names.
Third graders are working on mixed-media robot drawings! They first learned that most robots have a specific function to do a specific job. Next, they looked at various vintage robot toys for inspiration and picked a unique function for their robot design. Geometric shapes were emphasized, as well as customized design features. We saw a burst of creative ideas that included...