Goals & Curriculum
Our Curriculum – General and Judaic Studies
In Middle School, students learn a variety of core subjects and specialties, with a talented and dedicated faculty. Unlike in the Lower School, the day is no longer divided into a half day of Judaic and general studies, but rather subjects are intermingled throughout the day. We aren’t bifurcated individuals and therefore we opt not to bifurcate the day. This is easily accomplished since the MS is departmentalized--students now have a different teacher for most of their subjects. Classes will meet for 40 minutes and there’s a 4-minute pass time between classes.
Core Academic Areas:
Chumash, English, Hebrew, History, Math, Navi, Science, Mishna/Gemara
Art, Design Thinking, Physical Education, and Technology
About Our Curriculum
The day begins with tefillah, in which there are two parallel minyanim, Ashkenazi and Sephardi. Twice a month we have Women’s Tefillah, which includes Torah reading by our girls. We daven mincha as a whole community. Our Friday shacharit is enhanced by divrei Torah and spirited singing in preparation for Shabbat.
- The Middle School’s dual academic curriculum is measured by its relevance, rigor, and high standards. While we value the Common Core Standards adopted by most states, we strive to exceed these standards and challenge students to expect more of themselves and their classmates.
- In most of our classes, students are grouped heterogeneously. For mathematics, Hebrew language, and Gemarah, students are grouped appropriately, enabling more individual instruction and learning.
- Chumash and Navi are taught Ivrit b’Ivrit.
- Specialty classes in art, music, physical education, computer education, and advisory complete a student’s weekly schedule.
- Learning Center specialists and skills classes in writing and research are made available to support qualifying students.
- Students are encouraged to engage in a meaningful chesed project as part of their becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Every year, charitable organizations are invited to our annual Chesed Fair. Fifth and sixth grade students and their parents are introduced to some of the available chesed options.
- In seventh grade, we have a special ceremony recognizing the Bar and Bat Mitzvah of all our students. The grade-wide celebration includes tefillah, a festive meal, and the presentation of a class gift to each student.
- Many of our curricular units culminate in projects that are displayed throughout the school: the Mitzvah, Science, and History Fairs energize our building.
- Technology is integrated into the Judaic and general studies curricula. For example, students produce iMovies as part of their study of Shakespeare, create Facebook pages for an element on the Periodic Table, and use SketchUp to create a 3-D model of a city in Israel.
Beyond Our Classroom
What we do to enhance our students’ learning experiences, leveraging our unique location in one of the world’s finest cultural, financial, creative, scientific, medical, and architectural urban hubs.
Jewish Museum Partnership
The Israel Experience
Central Park Hikes and Field Trips
Educational and Co-Curricular Programming
The Middle School offers a rich variety of educational programming, ranging from hands-on chesed projects, team-building activities, special guest speakers, observance of Jewish and national holidays. We also engage in bonding activities such as white water rafting, ice skating, hiking in Central Park and much more. A central focus of ours is participation in meaningful chesed in our greater community, whether through food and coat drives, challah bakes, mishloach manot packing and distribution, METLife Council, and visiting area homebound seniors. We are excited to share our programming and chesed opportunities with your children when they arrive this fall.
Our Joyful Approach to Judaism
Describe what and how Shabbat, holidays, milestone celebrations, Ahavat Israel, Hebrew as a living language, chesed activities, overnight trips, text study, etc., are observed, taught, and integrated into our curriculum order to cultivate joy and pride in being Jewish, and laying foundation for students to become future Jewish leaders that will engage in their communities and the greater world to help repair and heal.