Learning Center
At Ramaz we understand that children learn in different ways and may need special support in different areas to assist them in their development.
Children who receive services by Department of Education (DOE) providers and/or private providers are welcome to use the building before or after school. If you wish to schedule a provider to give services to your child at Ramaz, please contact the Lower School Office at x5968.
Our goal is for all of the children in our early childhood program to reach their potential. Our classrooms are designed to foster the best learning and growing environment for all of the children. We will have ongoing communication and will work with families to help each and every child.
At Ramaz, our Early Childhood Special Education teacher works with children who need special support in Kindergarten. She will also be working with teachers and children in Nursery and Pre-K in identifying children who need extra support and helping with modifications for individual children in the classroom. She collaborates with teachers, outside providers, and works closely with parents as well.
Ms. Jessica Finell
Early Childhood Learning Specialist