Nursery Goals & Curriculum
The goals and objectives of the Nursery program are to foster trust and independence, and to help children become members of a group within a warm and supportive classroom.
Through play and multi-sensory activities, children grow and develop all their skills. Jewish life and values are an integral part of all aspects of our program.
Themes for this Year May Include:
- Rosh Hashana
- Sukkot
- Torah Stories
- Water
- Colors
- Shapes
- Animals
- Opposites
- The Four Seasons
- The Five Senses
- Thanksgiving
- Textures
- All About Me
- Chanukah
- Tu B’Shvat
- Planting and Flowers
- Purim
- Pesach
- Yom Ha’Atzmaut
- Shavuot
The teachers select themes that are appropriate for each class and might make changes that reflect the interests of the children in the class. We encourage emergent curriculum in our Nursery program so that a class can learn about any area of specific interest to them. Throughout the day, children engage in block play, dramatic play, art activities, sand and water play, outdoor play, cooking, circle time, story time, movement, and music. Many of these activities are experienced in small groups to ensure that each child is given the opportunity to actively engage in all parts of our program.
While understanding that children develop and mature as individuals at different rates, there are basic milestones that each child should reach through the Nursery experience. Through daily interaction with children, teachers, and materials, the children continue to develop in the following areas throughout the year: