Early Childhood Center
Welcome to the Ramaz Early Childhood Center!
A love of learning begins.
The Early Childhood Center is a nurturing and interactive environment that fosters the emotional, physical, social, and intellectual growth of every child.
To view our Guide to the Early Childhood Center, click on the image below.
What's Happening in the ECC?
The ECC welcomed its classes back into the garden with the year's first session of GrowTorah! This year-long program helps students learn about nature, engage all their senses, and explore gardening through the lens of Judaism. At this session, the students discussed what their class might grow this year and how everyone can help their community by...
To celebrate this past year's growth and look forward to next year, the ECC has been throwing end-of-year celebrations! With their parents, they have been cheering on their accomplishments while participating in fun activities. For example, everyone watched slide shows recapping fond memories from throughout the year. Children decorated...
The welcome evening for incoming Pre-K and Kindergarten parents not only provided an opportunity for sushi, wine, and bonding — it also provided an opportunity for chesed! The Ramaz Department of Admissions wanted to set up a warm and welcoming meeting and to partner with the Washington Heights Y around chesed. The outcome? A gorgeous message about "the beauty of mitzvot" as...
Nursery schoolers have released their class ladybugs and butterflies! The students have loved raising these creatures from larvae and caterpillars, examining their lifecycles, and learning about metamorphosis. The students have learned important lessons not only about biology but about empathy, understanding that even Hashem's smallest creatures...
The kindergarteners threw a wonderful otiyot (letters) party to celebrate having learned the entire Hebrew alphabet! Throughout their time in the ECC, they've grown their skills at recognizing the names, shapes, and sounds of each Hebrew letter, culminating in...
Kindergarten violinists performed their recital for their loved ones! Every week throughout the year, small groups of up to five children have met with Mr. Lamas, a career viola player and music educator, for 20-minute sessions using school-supplied violins. This special program provides important benefits, strengthening...
The ECC has been visited by exciting new friends: each class has had the privilege to receive real ladybug larvae and caterpillars! The students will study the insects and examine their transition (called "metamorphosis") from egg to larva/caterpillar, to pula/chrysalis, to ladybug/butterfly. The students are thrilled to see and...
The ECC has been excitedly preparing for Yom Ha’atzmaut! Students have been discussing the many different beautiful things to see and do in Israel, from picking fruit in a kibbutz to swimming in the ocean. Pre-K students had a fun show-and-tell using pictures of themselves and their families in Israel, and have made...
The ECC classes have been collecting tzedakah this year and now they have finally delivered it to Rabbi Haskel Lookstein '49 to be donated as maot chitim. These maot chitim (literal translation: wheat money) will be used to help provide Passover seder supplies and food to families in need. The students are so excited to know that their...