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US Upperclassmen and Alum Ilan Puterman '23 Talk About the Impact of Ramaz Extracurriculars

Ramaz News

Freshmen and sophomores heard from upperclassmen about the impact that Ramaz clubs had on their school experience. The presenters spoke about how pursuing extracurriculars allowed them to find their passions and learn important skills. They also emphasized that it is important for their mental health to take a break from their academic schedule to have fun and meet people from other grades. While clubs do require a time commitment outside of the normal school schedule, juniors and seniors assured the underclassmen that getting involved is very rewarding. Ilan Puterman '23 even introduced the freshmen and sophomores to Club Hub, a centralized platform and app that allows students to discover clubs and receive communications and notifications from club leaders. Using the skills he learned at Ramaz, Ilan built Club Hub when he was a student—and now Ramaz is one of 27 schools that use the platform! Ilan explained that Ramaz extracurriculars gave him the skills, experiences, and support to create and launch this impactful program. It was a truly inspirational talk and students are more excited than ever for the upcoming club fair.

  • Co-Curricular News
  • US News
  • Upper School News