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Torah Bowl Students Show Off Knowledge and Menschlichkeit

Ramaz News

The Middle School Torah Bowl team ventured to northern New Jersey for the second meet of the year. They have been learning Sefer Bamidbar (every pasuk and Rashi!), with this meet focusing on Parshiot Shlach and Korach. The students showed off their Torah knowledge, and their teachers were especially proud of their menschlichkeit during the competition. Here is a question the Ramaz girls' team answered correctly: In Parshat Korach, what three things happened to Aharon's staff to prove that Hashem chose him to be the kohen gadol? The answer: It blossomed, it sprouted a bud, and it grew almonds. Kol hakavod on all of the Torah l'shma (Torah learning for its own sake) that the students have studied!

  • Judaic Studies
  • MS News
  • Middle School News
  • academic excellence