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Security Guard Mr. Wil Thomas Speaks with Exploratory Tefillah about Jim Crow and Dr. King

Ramaz News

The Exploratory Tefillah service hosted a special guest, Mr. Wil Thomas, beloved Middle School security guard, in preparation for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. Mr. Thomas spoke movingly about growing up in the Jim Crow South in the 1960s and the discrimination he experienced every day. He put his mother, now in her 80s, on speaker phone. She shared several harrowing stories about the penalties she and her family endured for one reason only—the color of their skin. Mr. Thomas also spoke about the power and influence of Dr. King to change laws and end segregation in the Deep South. As Mr. Thomas said, "We are forever grateful to Dr. King."

  • History
  • MS News
  • Middle School News