Middle Schoolers Take Chesed Trips to the KJ Lunch and Learn and to Manhattan Children's Center
Ramaz News
Middle Schoolers had a week full of chesed! Grades 5 and 6 visited the KJ Lunch and Learn, KJ’s learning program for the elderly, and chatted with the participants. It was a rewarding experience for everyone as they bridged the generational divide, chatting and getting to know each other. For example, they asked each other “what would you rather” questions and learned about each other’s hobbies.
Grade 8 took a trip to Manhattan Children’s Center, which is a school for kids with autism. They learned about common experiences for those with autism, and respectful ways to interact with someone with autism. The students then got a chance to play with the MCC children themselves! Afterward, the Ramaz students reflected on their time at MCC and discussed what they learned.
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