See the Pictures: Middle Schoolers Party for Purim Through Costumes, Learning, and Games
Ramaz News
Middle Schoolers celebrated Purim through themed costume days, crafting, education, and games. On Monday, students enjoyed Comfy Day, getting to come to school in their coziest sweatpants, hoodies, or sports jerseys. Each Advisory got to select their own theme for Tuesday, allowing them to focus on their favorite themes in small groups and bond more closely with their Advisories: some themes included princesses, rappers, and parents (even equipped with fake beards and toy babies!). Wednesday saw the students dressed as teachers, which led to hilarious twinning around the school.
Friday was filled with Purim fun. Everyone showed off their creative spirit and their passions by dressing in whatever costumes they wished! The students created mishloach manot bags to present to loved ones, learned about various facets of Purim — including a lesson by Rabbi Josh Lookstein '88 on the mitzvah of matanot l'evyonim — and participated in exciting games such as a giant match of Bingo and a schoolwide costume contest.
To see pictures from Purim at the Middle School, click here.
- MS News
- Middle School News