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Middle Schoolers End Chanukah on a Sweet Note and See Their Chesed's Impact on Israelis

Ramaz News

Middle Schoolers marked the last day of Chanukah with delicious donuts and a meaningful message. Students learned about memories and how important it is to hold onto special moments and take their lessons into the future. It was an appropriate message for the last day of Chanukah, because although the holiday was at a close, the Middle Schoolers learned that they can hold onto the light and joy of Chanukah and spread it around the rest of the year. Morah Sandy showed students examples of their ability to spread joy and light to others. She read a letter from a Golani unit who received Chanukah cards from Ramaz and appreciated them so much that they hung them up around their base. She also showed the students a letter from Kibbutz Nahal Oz thanking them for raising money for their community's recovery post-October 7. After seeing the impact of their chesed, students celebrated with sufganiyot and dreidel games! 

  • Chesed
  • Israel
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  • MS News
  • Middle School News
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