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Pre-K Lavan Is Preparing For Tu B'Shvat... and Bentzi's Birthday!

Ramaz News

Pre-K Lavan has been very busy getting ready for some important birthdays: Bentzi's and Tu B’Shvat (birthday of the trees)! On Monday, the class created a one-week countdown, using their math skills to count backwards from seven. Each day this week, students cut off one number to find out how many more days there are left until the celebration. At their art center, students have been making birthday cards for Bentzi and paper chains to decorate the classroom. In Bentzi groups, Pre-K Lavan has been preparing for Bentzi’s birthday by learning the verb “נותן” and “נותנת,” meaning “to give.” They are excited to give Bentzi his birthday book in just a few days!  

In preparation for Tu B’Shvat, the class read the book Eating the Alphabet, and with help from their amazing parents, students are going to taste many new fruits that they saw in the book and learn the correct brachot. This book was also perfect for this week, as they finished learning the last two letters of the alphabet in Fundations and will be having an alphabet party with all of Pre-K to celebrate this accomplishment!  

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