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Nursery Students Create a Storm in a Jar

Ramaz News

Nursery Adom has been exploring storms, just in time for a stormy winter season. They began by reading two non-fiction books about storms. The first was a National Geographic book called, Storms by Miriam Busch Goin and the second was Snow by Marion Dane Bauer. Students and their teachers talked about the definition of the word "storm" and what they might see during a storm. "Thunder!" one child exclaimed. "Lightening and lots of rain," another shared. They then conducted an experiment called "Storm in a Jar!" The children watched in awe as the morot added white paint, baby oil, glitter, and finally an Alka Seltzer tablet to a mason jar. They saw how it appeared as if a storm was occurring inside the jar! "Clouds" were forming and "snow" was swirling in a frenzy. The mixture bubbled over the top and fell to the plate underneath. It was an activity full of excitement!

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