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Nursery Adom Gets Creative For Tu B'Shvat

Ramaz News

Nursery Adom's Tu B'Shvat exploration continued with an activity involving loose parts. The children were presented with a variety of natural and recycled materials, including corks, tree bark, and other wooden pieces. They were also shown pictures of different trees, including an almond tree and a lemon tree. Using the loose materials, they carefully constructed their own interpretations of a tree, using pictures of trees as inspiration. “Look, my tree is a lemon tree,” one child said. “I’m making the trunk now,” another commented. Experiences involving loose parts have many benefits in early childhood. They encourage children to think deeper and problem solve as they don’t have glue or tape to hold their creations together. These experiences increase their focus, and support them in using their natural curiosity and imagination to bring their constructions to life.

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