Kindergarteners Throw an Otiyot Party to Celebrate Knowing the Whole Hebrew Alphabet
Ramaz News
The kindergarteners threw a wonderful otiyot (letters) party to celebrate having learned the entire Hebrew alphabet! Throughout their time in the ECC, they've grown their skills at recognizing the names, shapes, and sounds of each Hebrew letter, culminating in the end of Kindergarten when they are proficient in the whole alphabet. They were so proud of their work and loved the fun party to commemorate this impressive accomplishment. The celebration was full of different, multisensory activities to celebrate each letter. In one, students played game of Bingo where a teacher presented Hebrew words and students checked off squares showing each starting letter. In another, students made beautiful cookie creations, using yummy and colorful toppings to decorate cookies shaped like a Hebrew letter of their choice. The room was also filled with otiyot art projects the students had made leading up to the party. For example, they'd made big, colorful cubes for each letter. Everyone lined them up in order, so the whole Hebrew alphabet wound around the room.
The party was extra special because the kindergarteners were joined by first grade teachers, so the students and teachers could get to know each other and be extra excited for class next year!
- Kindergarten
- hebrew