ECC Students Welcome Caterpillars and Ladybugs to Class
Ramaz News
The ECC has been visited by exciting new friends: each class has had the privilege to receive real ladybug larvae and caterpillars! The students will study the insects and examine their transition (called "metamorphosis") from egg to larva/caterpillar, to pula/chrysalis, to ladybug/butterfly. The students are thrilled to see and study these creatures. Each day, they are observing the growth of the insects underneath magnifying glasses. To enhance their studies of the insects, the students have read books like From Caterpillar to Butterfly by Deborah Heiligman, which details the process of metamorphosis, and discussed how they will feed them sugar water and juice to help them stay healthy. The ECC students cannot wait to see the ladybugs and butterflies all grown up!