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Middle School News

MS Students on Stage
Sephardic Minyan Students Proactively Initiate a Class About the Shaliah Tsibbur

Middle School students of the Ramaz Sephardic minyan took the inspiring step of initiating a specialized class with Rabbi Meyer Laniado to deepen their skills and knowledge of how to be a shaliah tsibbur (prayer leader). The students expressed interest in holding a class that would elevate their understanding and proficiency in...

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Security Guard Mr. Wil Thomas Speaks with Exploratory Tefillah about Jim Crow and Dr. King

The Exploratory Tefillah service hosted a special guest, Mr. Wil Thomas, beloved Middle School security guard, in preparation for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. Mr. Thomas spoke movingly about growing up in the Jim Crow South in the 1960s and the discrimination he experienced every day. He put his mother, now in her 80s, on speaker phone. She shared...

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Middle Schoolers Take Chesed Trips to the KJ Lunch and Learn and to Manhattan Children's Center

Middle Schoolers had a week full of chesed! Grades 5 and 6 visited the KJ Lunch and Learn, KJ’s learning program for the elderly, and chatted with the participants. It was a rewarding experience for everyone as they bridged the generational divide, chatting and getting to know each other. For...

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Middle Schoolers End Chanukah on a Sweet Note and See Their Chesed's Impact on Israelis

Middle Schoolers marked the last day of Chanukah with delicious donuts and a meaningful message. Students learned about memories and how important it is to hold onto special moments and take their lessons into the future. It was an appropriate message for the last day of Chanukah, because although the holiday was at a close, the Middle Schoolers learned that they can hold onto the light and joy of Chanukah and spread it around the rest of the year. Morah Sandy showed students examples of their ability to spread joy and light...

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Photos Inside: Mishnah Students Creatively Teach Their Chanukah Research and Celebrate with a Party

Rabbi Gilad Gaon’s fifth-grade Mishnah classes have been full of energy as students worked in groups to research various aspects of Chanukah, including the origins of tefillot, halachot, and minhagim. Each group creatively taught their peers using digital and physical presentations, original songs, and...

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Torah Bowl Students Show Off Knowledge and Menschlichkeit

The Middle School Torah Bowl team ventured to northern New Jersey for the second meet of the year. They have been learning Sefer Bamidbar (every pasuk and Rashi!), with this meet focusing on Parshiot Shlach and Korach. The students showed off their Torah knowledge, and their teachers were especially proud of their menschlichkeit during the competition. Here is a question the Ramaz girls' team answered correctly: In...

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