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Ramaz educators from all divisions attended the annual Prizmah Conference for three days of high-quality learning and connection building with hundreds of other Jewish day schools. The conference was attended by over 1,200 Jewish educators from throughout North America. This included heads of schools, lay leaders, foundations donors, and many other Jewish day school professionals. Sessions...
Student volunteers went on a chesed mission to Fort Meyers, Florida, helping rebuild after the devastating Hurricane Helene. On the trip, facilitated by OU Relief Missions, students worked hard to demolish destroyed homes and install drywall in new ones—lending their efforts to drill, hammer, cut, and more. As they collaborated in this rewarding...
The Middle Schoolers show their support for Israel and the hostages in many different ways each day. In the past week, this has manifested in multiple creative, visual expressions of love and solidarity. To celebrate the release of Emily Damari, Romi Gonen, and Doron Steinbrecher, students created a "Welcome Home!" poster that now decorates the Middle School lobby, showing pictures of the women's joyful reunions with their families. On...
First graders have completed their unit on maps! Throughout this unit, they explored various maps and their attributes, noting that maps have a title, a legend, a compass rose, and more. Students pointed out countries, states, and cities that they have visited and, as a class, they explored different locations on Google Earth. They are excited to...
Ramaz deeply appreciates the school security guards for all they do to keep everyone safe. While the community expresses appreciation every day, there are extra special opportunities to show it during Security Guard Appreciation Week! All week long, the security guards have been treated to various expressions of gratitude from the students, parents, faculty, and staff. It has included deliveries of...
The ECC had a blast celebrating the birthday of their beloved Hebrew-speaking turtle puppet, Bentzi. All the ECC grades regularly speak with Bentzi as a fun and effective way to learn Hebrew. On Bentzi's birthday, each class threw a big party full of activities. For example, every student made a page for a special birthday book. Each page said, in Hebrew, what gift the child would give Bentzi, and they all read their pages aloud for...
There's no party like an alphabet party! Since the start of the school year, pre-k classes have been going through the alphabet one letter at a time in their Fundations curriculum. This week, they finally made it all the way from A to Z! To celebrate, pre-k students had a morning full of fun alphabet-themed activities including...
Jake Doft '87, CEO of Highline Capital and Ramaz graduate and parent, was excited to return to 78th street to talk to juniors about ethics, honesty, and integrity in business. In Talmud class, juniors are currently learning about finding credible witnesses who are trustworthy. Mr. Doft spoke about how, in the finance world, it is of the utmost importance to be trustworthy, transparent, and honest, and to invest with people who...