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Parshat Vayetze Dvar Torah By Robert Akilov

In this week's parashaVayetze, Yakov leaves Beer Sheva and goes to Charan. He went there because his older twin brother, Eisav, threatened to kill him because Yakov took the bracha from their father, which was inteneded for Eisav. On his way, Yakov decided to sleep so he laid his head on a stone and once he had fallen asleep, he had a dream. In the dream, he saw a ladder connecting the earth to heaven with angels going up and down the ladder. At the top of it, he saw Hashem and heard Him say that He is the God of Avraham and Yitzhak, and that the land that Yakov was sleeping on belongs to him and his descendants. Hashem then told Yakov that He will guard him wherever he goes and will bring him back to this very land that He promised his father and grandfather. When Yakov woke up, he took the very same stone he had slept on and set it up right as a memorial. In this parasha, we learn a very valuable lesson that Hashem protects us on all of our missions. When we try to accomplish something in this world, Hashem watches over us and helps us. 

  • Dvar Torah
  • Judaic Studies
  • Torah