Freshman year is a transition to a new set of peers, to a new environment, to new academic expectations…high school is simply a new experience! This year is a time for students to develop their independence, to hone time-management skills, and to grow intellectually, academically, and religiously. We encourage students to explore extracurricular activities, discover academic interests, connect with each other and with faculty mentors, and utilize the resources Ramaz provides.

At the same time, freshman grades count! It is important to begin high school academics with a serious commitment to learning.

It is not too early to think about college financial planning. Parents considering applying for financial aid are invited to a Financial Aid Night in October and have access to the SmartTrack website.

Some students demonstrate mastery of a subject by taking the SAT Subject Test (formerly called SAT II). If the student is very strong in an advanced biology class, consider taking the Biology Subject Test at the end of freshman year, when the material is fresh. More information about this exam follows later in this document
