Mathematical Concepts

Pre-K children should be able to:

  • Count 1- 10 (in sequence) and attempt to count higher.
  • Count objects by touching and naming one item at a time.
  • Match one digit with each object.
  • Have one-to-one correspondence.
  • Be able to put 1-10 blocks in order from smallest to largest (seriation, magnitude).
  • Understand size vocabulary to compare two items (big, small, bigger than smaller than, smallest, too big, too small).
  • Understand and use positional vocabulary (comes next, next to, before, after, in between).
  • Understand positional vocabulary with other manipulatives (inside, outside, on, under, in front of, behind, on top, over, under).
  • Use ordinal position words (points to the first and last in a series).
  • Identify the number that comes next in a number sequence of 1-20.
  • Identify the numerical value of pattern boards 1-6 and 10.
  • Respond to addition situations that require the joining of one more object to a predetermined set (with manipulatives).
  • Respond to subtraction situations that require taking away one object from a predetermined set (with manipulatives).
  • Understand that a whole can be divided into two smaller units.
  • Use manipulatives to name combinations of two addends that are the same length as 10 and describe them (“two and eight make 10”).
  • Be able to identify the name of a digit if a teacher points to numbers 1-5.
  • Be able to separate disparate objects into organized groups according to one of the following attributes: color, shape, and size.
  • Recognize and continue a pattern – begin with AB and grow to more complex patterns.
  • Recognize simple shapes (square, circle, rectangle, diamond, oval, heart).
  • Use language to compare objects (long, short, wide, tall, high).