About Ramaz
חנוך לנער על-פי דרכו גם כי יזקין לא יסור ממנה
Educate the child according to his nature; and, even when old, he will not swerve from it.
Mishlei 22:6
To walk the halls of Ramaz is to experience a vibrant and supportive community, dedicated to educating children who are the Jewish future. You will find students receiving the gold standard in Judaic and general studies education, and you will marvel at the breadth and depth of our co-curricular opportunities. Still, the essence of Ramaz resides in our mission, our commitment to menschlichkeit, to the values of human dignity and mutual respect. This is bound together by our commitment to the Jewish people, to Medinat Yisrael, and to Orthodox observance—the strength of our heritage.
On any day, you may see students across our three buildings participating in a lively classroom discussion, packing food for the homeless, holding a study group, rehearsing for a theater performance, walking to a New York City landmark to see an exhibit, or preparing for an assembly on the latest events in Israel.
We remain steadfast in our goal to provide a safe environment where students can engage in healthy and open-minded debate. Our educators do more than teach the required curriculum—they are mentors and advisors who expect much of their students and give much in return.
Our robust academic program challenges our students. After more than three-quarters of a century, we see the outcome time and time again: Ramaz graduates become leaders in the Jewish community and work hard to improve the world around them.
Ramaz is fortunate to be supported and deeply rooted in the spiritual soil of 142-year-old Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun (“KJ”), a dynamic, centrist, Modern Orthodox synagogue. Ramaz and KJ are one family, each viewing the other as an indispensable partner for future growth.
To be a student at Ramaz is to be given the tools and encouragement to grow personally, religiously, and spiritually. Ramaz teaches children from nursery through twelfth grade, but their education lasts for a lifetime.